It's a full stereo including record player, AM/FM receiver, amplifier and stereo speakers all in an attractive wood housing. The speakers have these little louvres doors that open and close.
Even better, it vaguely goes with my wife Michele's mid-century modern design scheme for the house. This has kept it safe from the periodic purges of stuff we don't use anymore (see her blog Things I'm Getting Rid Of).
A couple of years ago, the VPs asked us if we would like to have it. They were moving houses and no longer used it. Of course we did. I had visions of listening to Pavement records in front of the fireplace on a chilly winter evening.
Despite some scratches here and there, it was in great condition. The original manuals were even inside.

I couldn't wait to play some records. I plugged it in. Turned it on.... and a terrible buzzing sound is all that came out. It must have been damaged in the move.
So now I had a choice - fix it and restore it to its original glory. Or turn it into the coolest mix of retro and cutting edge digital shit I could combine into the space inside cabinet.
I chose the latter.
More than likely, the capacitors in the power supply gave out when you powered it up after a long time of non-use. The electronics could be restored, rather than replaced. It is a nice retro cabinet, though.